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Zindeeq tells the story of M, a Palestinian filmmaker in his forties living in a European country. M is working in Palestine on a documentary based on eyewitness accounts of the 1948 expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland. A young Palestinian of 28, sensual and attractive, works with him. She is modern,liberated and free but is unimpressed by M’s advances and insists on maintaining a professional relationship between them, based on respect.

M receives a phone call from his sister in Nazareth telling him that one of his nephews has killed another man during a scuffle and that the whole family is now in danger, including him, because of the laws of vendetta that sanction the killing of the “best” members of the family. He is advised to fly back to Europe, or at least to stay away from Nazareth. But he refuses and decides to go back home at two o’clock in the morning.

The film takes us on a journey through the hours M spends as he awaits dawn, a journey which drives him into the depths of his mythical town, Nazareth, and forces him to rediscover his inner world where nostalgia for the past is in conflict with a strong desire for a future free of that past! Will he achieve the much‐desired mourning for all that has disappeared in his personal life and in the collective history of his people?

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Coming Soon

Cast & Crew

Muhammad Bakri

Mira Awad

Major Awards